Angie Lieber, Ed.M has three decades of experience as an institutional advancement professional at the nexus of brand creation, marketing and communications, and fundraising. She has seamlessly integrated her background in adult development and organizational behavior with her years in the world of organizational leadership. Trained in the Co-Active Coaching model, Angie grounds her work in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and the social sciences of The Tavistock Institute, theories on subjectivity and social identity. and the attachment development. Angie holds a Master's Degree in Adult Development from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, a BA in Religion and Women’s Studies from Oberlin College, and an MBA candidacy in Organizational Behavior at Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business.

Angie Lieber, Ed.M has three decades of experience as an institutional advancement professional at the nexus of brand creation, marketing and communications, and fundraising. She has seamlessly integrated her background in adult development and organizational behavior with her years in the world of organizational leadership. Trained in the Co-Active Coaching model, Angie grounds her work in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and the social sciences of The Tavistock Institute, theories on subjectivity and social identity. and the attachment development. Angie holds a Master's Degree in Adult Development from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, a BA in Religion and Women’s Studies from Oberlin College, and an MBA candidacy in Organizational Behavior at Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business.

What is IFS?

IFS is an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and attaching to their protective and wounded inner parts. It creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.

But it's much more than a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy to be used in a clinical setting. It is also a way of understanding our personal and intimate relationships and stepping into life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness.

What is Co-Active?

Co-Active Means Living in the Paradox of Being and Doing

The Co-Active Framework is an ethos and mindset that helps people stretch their sightlines, get out of their comfort zones, and grow in a way that permeates every aspect of their lives. It's a way to better understand our journey through life and a methodology for designing our life’s purpose and calling. It helps us rediscover the courage to be who we want to be and create what we want to see.

We believe leadership does not have a finish line — it’s a lifelong journey, and every person’s path is unique. Co-Active is a contextual lens through which one can experience life and leadership from different orientations.

As the pace of life has quickened and become more volatile and complex, the world has become increasingly action-oriented and results-driven. It has become suitable to dispense with the “soft” stuff (being) and instead advance by simply “getting the job done” (doing) at all costs.

Unfortunately, this leaves us feeling disconnected and desperate for meaning and belonging. The result is living an isolated life in an echo chamber, desperately trying to achieve what the world has deemed successful.

Healing Bad Stuff, Trauma & PTSD

This 6-week deep-dive class is for those that want to go deeper into their understanding and treatment of trauma in their practice.
Over the six week period, we learned all about:

  • the pyramid of traumatic experience

  • the importance of maintaining, modelling and teaching clear boundaries

  • how sleep tells you when trauma’s the problem

  • trauma that is happening now

  • trauma that has been woken up

  • developmental trauma and the ACEs scale

  • prenatal, epigenetic and inherited trauma

  • the spectrum of dissociation

  • keeping clients in the window of tolerance

  • staying in your professional lane

  • caring for yourself when your own stuff gets triggered

and more...