
Starts Within

Leadership Starts Within


August 27 - September 29, 2024

Are you ready to rock the fundraising world?

Join us for the HeART and Science of FUNdraising


Susan Kramer

Founder/CEO Susan Kramer Consulting


Angie Lieber

Founder of Angie Lieber Coaching

As a fellow fundraiser, I understand the challenges you face.

My colleague Susan Kramer and I are offering a 5-week course called 'The HeART and Science of FUNdraising' to share our insights.

We'll explore donor connections, data-driven decisions, supporter potential, mission alignment, and personal growth, with 5 hours of personal coaching included.

If you're interested in joining us on this empowering journey, find more details and register here:







In my teens and twenties, therapy helped me understand my attachments and abandonments. It gave me the language to regulate my emotions and a rich vocabulary to talk about injury, pain and process. 

But it never occurred to me in those days that one day I would have to be a leader that needed to make strategic decisions. That I’d have a family and a career, and people who depended on me. When that day came, I realized I didn’t need more therapeutic insight about my wounds. I needed clarity, creativity, direction, strategies, support, and accountability. I needed to be present to my daughter—and to my taxes. I needed to exercise—but not activate body issues. I needed to make a salary—but not lose my soul. I didn’t have a manual. This is where coaching came in. 

Coaching offers a customized design for living. One great coach radically transformed my life. Now I do the same with my clients. I’ve created a profound but practical method that gets real results. My clients raise their expectations of what life can hold—and find more expansive, joyous, creative, and productive ways of being in the world.


Internal Family Systems (IFS) is one of the most transformative parts of my approach. My clients learn to tune into internal voices that can often seem chaotic. Some of those voices have been silenced. And some of the loudest voices—the part that says “I’m fine” or “I don’t need help”—are drowning out other, more vulnerable voices that can thrive if they get compassion and understanding.

Through this work of really listening to all of the mind’s facets, I’ve seen client after client reconnect with their singular life force, their highest wisdom.

Yes, my clients experience career success, improved relationships, and greater well-being. But what’s best about our partnership is that my clients use the process to launch the greatest adventures of their lives. 

This transformative process is ideal for you if you are:

- In a top position — but worried everything will fall to pieces if you make one mistake.

- Feeling anxious about moving up at work.

- In a debilitating conflict with a colleague, teammate, boss, or family member.

- Ready to move into the work world after having children or raising a family.

- Scaling your business, but also trying to live in balance.

- Longing to take the lead in your own life

As we work together, you and I won't just do a cursory review of your situation. I make this solemn promise to you: I don’t just give the stock 2024 advice about self-care and taking naps and buying expensive candles! Instead, we will collaborate to harmonize the voices inside you, and you’ll learn to lead your own life with clarity and courage.

Join me in moving forward.

Founder & Lead Coach

SELF Leadership

In my teens and twenties, therapy helped me understand my attachments and abandonments. It gave me the language to regulate my emotions and a rich vocabulary to talk about injury, pain and process. 

But it never occurred to me in those days that one day I would have to be a leader that needed to make strategic decisions. That I’d have a family and a career, and people who depended on me. When that day came, I realized I didn’t need more therapeutic insight about my wounds. I needed clarity, creativity, direction, strategies, support, and accountability. I needed to be present to my daughter—and to my taxes. I needed to exercise—but not activate body issues. I needed to make a salary—but not lose my soul. I didn’t have a manual. This is where coaching came in. 

Coaching offers a customized design for living. One great coach radically transformed my life. Now I do the same with my clients. I’ve created a profound but practical method that gets real results. My clients raise their expectations of what life can hold—and find more expansive, joyous, creative, and productive ways of being in the world.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is one of the most transformative parts of my approach. My clients learn to tune into internal voices that can often seem chaotic. Some of those voices have been silenced. And some of the loudest voices—the part that says “I’m fine” or “I don’t need help”—are drowning out other, more vulnerable voices that can thrive if they get compassion and understanding.

Yes, my clients experience career success, improved relationships, and greater well-being. But what’s best about our partnership is that my clients use the process to launch the greatest adventures of their lives. 

This transformative process is ideal for you if you are:

- In a top position—but worried everything will fall to pieces if you make one mistake.

- Feeling anxious about moving up at work.

- In a debilitating conflict with a colleague, teammate, boss, or family member.

- Ready to move into the work world after having children or raising a family.

- Scaling your business, but also trying to live in balance.

- Longing to take the lead in your own life

As we work together, you and I won't just do a cursory review of your situation. I make this solemn promise to you: I don’t just give the stock 2024 advice about self-care and taking naps and buying expensive candles! Instead, we will collaborate to harmonize the voices inside you, and you’ll learn to lead your own life with clarity and courage.

Join me in moving forward.

Founder & Lead Coach

Self-Leadership Means

Every Part of You is Welcome

This is 4th grade me. The little girl who loved the Beatles, Creamsicles, and Happy Days. This little girl stays with me, always. Sometimes she is a generous, supportive friend. Sometimes she is a scaredy-cat. I’ve learned to appreciate both sides of her.

After some very hard college years and two years of psychoanalysis in Jerusalem, I began my career in women’s development with a focus on psychodynamic counseling through an intersectional feminist lens. Deciding I wanted a more visible role at 30, I moved into the world of non-profit management, helping organizations raise their profiles and their bottom lines.

But I saw how my own fears played out in the (literal) boardroom. My 9-year-old self, who wanted to be liked for being funny and quirky, held me back from being authentic.

why I Do this

In my 40s, I came to feel how much much energy it took to mask myself. And then, with an excellent coach, I dropped the mask and freed up what felt like infinite energy.

As I became more open, I began to hear stories of other mid-career professionals who needed support and accountability to become leaders in their fields. 

Many of them seemed to notice I had changed. They came to me informally, asking how I’d learned to live life unchained by old inhibitions and neuroses. (I guess my fears had once been…pretty obvious. And I thought I’d masked them so well!)

It was in the quiet of the pandemic that I decided I wanted to share what I’d learned. One-on-one, and in small groups, I started to help people realize their full humanity—and tap into their power to break out of limiting social constructions, generational trauma, and the static beliefs we all carry about ourselves. Melding my decades of work in adult and organizational development, I now help people get unstuck and learn to lead.

Masterclass Coursework

life in transit

Moving Through vs. Getting Over


Step 1

We begin with clarity. At the start of our work, you’ll get clear on your area of focus and your values. We will tap into the seat of your deepest wisdom, your authentic self and learn how you can let all of the parts of yourself become valuable players.


Step 2

Next is curiosity and courage. With great care, we will partner to look within. We’ll take the measure of what scares you, frustrates you, or causes deep grief. And then we’ll tap into your internal leader, to anchor you to your values.


Step 3

Finally is courage. This is the hyperfun part. That unique internal leader begins to step up; after all our work together, we know together how to call on it. And that leader in your becomes the source of overflowing enthusiasm and playfulness and bravery.

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